Saturday, 17 April 2010

From Seed

Having played WoW on and off since Vanilla, I've seen many blogs come and go. Mostly restoration druid blogs though, seeing as that's what I play myself. To be fair, it's what I used to play. See, currently I'm in an off-phase, but I'm making plans to make a return, inspired by the plentitude of morsels, dangled before our greedy eyes by Blizzards community representatives.

Even though they tempted me to come back, it'll take a month or two before I re-enter Azeroth. My former laptop died when I decided to water it (to see if it would grow, you know) with sparkling water. Now I run Ubuntu 9.10 on a new laptop, and I won't be installing Windows 7 on it anytime soon. So I have to get a gaming rig. That'll be the first challenge.

Untill then, I'll be blogging about tree-hood. Elune knows there are plenty of things to blog about these days. My motivation for blogging is one of bewonderment, in a sense. My shuffling back to Azeroth started with repeated visits to, and from there into the resto blogosphere.

Of course, since Phaelia and Runycat stopped, it will never be the same, but I didn't like to find things so changed. 'There's something not here', I thought. Consider this blog my feeble attempt to bring something to the resto druid blogosphere.

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